- Waiting for a meeting to begin.
- Waiting for a computer connection.
- On hold on the phone.
- Walking down the hallway.
- Walking up stairs.
- If you find yourself in a mental stare with blurred vision, take some time out and blink rapidly for a few minutes.
Steps :
- Find a comfortable sitting position, relax, and remove your glasses.
- Take a few deep breaths with long exhalations and drop your shoulders.
- Count an irregular rhythm and blink whenever you count.
- For example, 1,2,3 4,5 6,7,8, 9, and so on.
- Blink rapidly for several minutes.
- Cover one eye with one hand and bring the other hand towards the open eye. Imagine a cushion of air is being pressed against the open eye by the hand. When your hand gets very close, let the air cushion push your eye closed. Pull your hand slowly back and allow the air cushion to suction the eye open. Repeat with the other eye.
- Blinking keeps your eyes lubricated, clean, and moist; relieves pressure; and prevents the mind from going into a mental stare.
- It is very important to blink when working at a computer because the heat and light emitting from the monitor can dry your eyes and cause redness and irritation.
- If your work requires long hours of concentration, you might go for long periods of time without blinking.
- When you stop blinking, your mind goes into a mental stare, and when your mind is in a mental stare, you stop blinking.
- It is easy to break the mental stare by getting into the habit of blinking frequently. People with normal vision blink frequently and irregularly.